Another IPS (Inner Peace Symptom):  an understanding that past mistakes have consequences and what we have been and done does not just disappear because of good intentions now.  [Sometimes it takes a long time to get back to pono.]

It seems to be a given.  We’re clumsy oafs, us humans.

Often we break things without meaning to.  Our words and our actions break hearts and shatter lives – our own and those of the ones we love.

Other times, life takes its toll.  We get lost, we fall down and we lose our way.  Bits of ourselves get lost somehow.

On the other hand, broken can become stronger and more beautiful.

It does take time.  It does take care.  It takes patience and gentleness.  It is not likely to be an easy fix.

One metaphor that points the way to repairing brokenness beautifully can be found in a Japanese pottery technique called “kintsugi” or gold-joinery.

The following video, “When Mending Becomes Art” published by Kintsugisouke, is an introduction to this ancient art form.


“Kintsugi” is an old way of repairing broken pottery developed by the Japanese using lacquer or some other resin laced with pulverized gold.

The story goes that a samurai broke his favorite tea bowl and sent it off to China to be repaired.  When it came back there were ugly metal staples all over the cup firmly holding the cracked bits together.  This was unsatisfactory.

The cup was sent to another artisan, an old Japanese goldsmith, who worked on perfecting a new way to heal the broken cup.

He made each crack in the cup a thing of beauty.  He honored and emphasized every flaw.  And the gold in the cracks caught the light and threw it back each time the old warrior drank his tea.

 I got to thinking about kintsugi and about all the ways we humans get broken.  I ended up writing a poem about it.  Here it is:


 ‘Kay.  Try this:

Take this clay tea bowl.

Now throw it on the ground…HARD!

Go for it!


Look at those clay bits scattered all about.

Is it still a bowl, do you think?

Sure doesn’t look like it, huh?



Now, say “sorry” to it.

Go on.



Did it go back to the way it was before?

No, huh?

Come on…

Put some SINCERITY into it.

LEAN on that remorse.

Say, “PLEASE forgive me.”

Say, “I didn’t mean it.”

Say, “It was an accident.”


Try pulling out the big guns.

Say, “I LOVE you!”

Yeah, really…

Say it from the heart.



Did all that saying work?

Not really, huh?

Broken’s broken, ain’t it?

And words don’t do a thing.


The pieces are still lying there,

Looking all forlorn.

They will not hold together.

The integrity is gone.

When you try to make them fit,

Try to press them into place,

The pieces fall apart.

Sad, huh?


Try pouring some tea

On all those broken bits

And the wet just runs down

All over your feet.



Now, what?

Oh, wait…

Here’s some sticky resin stuff.

And, look at this:

There’s this shiny golden powder sitting there,

Right next to you.


Let’s try something.

Here, take this brush.

Now pour a dollop of that goopy stuff on this plate.

Swirl it around with the brush.


Now mix in some of that powder.

Just stir it right on in.

Slowly, slowly, slowly.

Mix it all up.

No lumps, no bumps.

Mix it all up smooth.



Now, grab up one clay piece

And turn it so the broken edge faces up.

Brush the glop – all golden now – along that ragged edge.

Carefully, carefully…no slopping allowed.

Then grab up a second clay bit

And fit together the edges.


Resin oozes out of the crack, huh?


Run your brush along that golden bleeding line

Along the front, along the back.

Make it smooth and smoother.

Gently now, like a dream.

Now…repeat, repeat, repeat.


You will mess it up, you know.

You’ll get impatient and you’ll push too hard.

The glop will spread and splotch

And you’ll have to start it over.


Again, again, again.

You’ll have to keep on mixing,

keep on brushing,

keep on smoothing,

On and on and on

Until each clay edge is touching a matching other

And every crack glimmers golden.



There’s one piece missing.

(It probably got pulverized,

Or maybe it got lost.)

No matter.

Glop some of the gloop into that empty

And smooth, smooth, smooth it on out

Over the edges, front, then back.




Now, set it aside.


It’ll dry in the bye-and-bye.



Oh!  Will you look at that!

The bowl is resurrected,

But it really is NOT the same.

Oh, no.

Now it’s something other.

Now it’s something more.

It gleams now in all the broken places.

Gold shines in all its cracks.

When you pour some tea in it

None of the wet runs out.


And when you hold what once-was-broken,

Healed now after all your gentle care,

Maybe then you will understand:

Fixing what you break

Is not supposed to be easy,

And words alone won’t get you there.

By Netta Kanoho

The following video about Kintsugi and the philosophy behind it was published by The School of Life in collaboration with Mad Adam Films and is part of a weekly series of offerings.

The School of Life is both a YouTube channel and a real-life school for adults that focuses on how to live wisely and well.  They are bent on asking the important life-questions that you never got to ask in regular school.

There are ten physical hubs in cities around the world including London, Melbourne, Istanbul, Antwerp, and Seoul.

Header Picture credit:  Sunrise Over Maui by April Schultz via Flickr [CC BY-NC-ND 2.0]



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20 thoughts on “PROGRESS COMES AFTER

  1. This page is so easy to read! And then followed with the poem which, even though long, flows easily and makes such a good point. I’ve bookmarked your website and am going to give it to friends. I’m somewhat envious on the beauty of your website, the beauty being in the writing and the poems.

    Thanks for inviting me here to your site.

    1. Hey Joan: Thanks for your visit and your comments. I’m glad you want to share it with friends. Please do come again.

  2. When I was reading this I had an image in my mind of how we sometimes can say things or do things that break other people. It takes so much to repair a broken person, and they are never really the same. Similar to a broken bowl. I also think of this relating to parenting children, and how its so easy to break a child.

    1. Hey Joy: Thank you for your visit and your comments. Please do come again….

  3. The process kintsugi was fascinating to watch. I had never heard of it before reading your article and it was a beautiful way to put pieces (of pottery) back together again. If only we could find a beautiful way to put things back together again when we break them. I think the Japanese have such a patient way about them that makes it hard for some of us to understand as we rush through life every day.

    I enjoyed your poem as well. It gives life to the patience that we need to repair the things that are broken. It’s not easy, but it can be done with a little understanding. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful art!

    1. Hey Jen:

      Thanks for your visit and your comments.  I do appreciate it.  Please do come again….

  4. Karin Nauber says:

    I absolutely love, love, love this story! It touched my heart (which has been broken, but fixed with gold!). Your poem is equally amazing. I love how you made me feel for that smashed bowl lying on the ground in pieces.
    How much gold do you think they use in these repairs? How well does this hold? It sure is a metaphor for our lives.
    Best wishes,
    Karin 🙂

    1. Hey Karin:  

      Thanks for your visit and for sharing your thoughts.  I’m glad you liked the post.  

      I’m not sure how much gold is actually used to repair the pottery.  It does look beautiful!

      Please do come again….

  5. My Daily Pointers says:

    I love the comparison between our lives and Kintsugi.  I have actually used this ‘story” with my students to remind them that, despite their flaws, they are still beautiful and purposeful.  They have said that it helps them to realize that even though they may feel broken, they can still do things and move forward.

    I also remind them that their actions also affect others.  Their words and actions can hurt and damage others.  And sometimes those words can cause a lot of damage and that other person may never be the same again.  It has led to a lot of interesting discussions and journal entries.

    1. I do thank you for your visit and for sharing your story.  What a wonderful way to use the kintsugi as a tool for helping children become real humans!  

      Please do come again….

  6. Kevin And Jade says:

    Never heard of this process before but it’s been a fascinating read. I also loved the video. 

    Thank you for your post. I personally have a problem with letting go and healing so it’s nice to know that, following a certain process that anyone can apply to their lives, even broken pieces can be stronger and more beautiful.

    I love it. 🙂

    1. Hey guys, thanks for the visit and for your sharing your thoughts on it.  I do appreciate it.

      Please do come again….

  7. Hi! Thanks for mentioning this allegory of the samurai braking his favorite tea bowl. 

    Those ugly metal staples are our way of fixing things. We take pride in how we fixed it. But at the end of the day, it only works while the ugly staples are in place. There is a better and more excellent way of dealing with broken bowls that we most of the time overlook. 

    As the Japanese goldsmith was closer to the samurai than the Chinese craftsman, so is this “other artisan” closer to each one of us than any of the other solutions we go after.

    1. Henry, thanks for your visit and for sharing your thoughts.  It is a truth that sometimes reaching out to the Divine can start this most beautiful way of healing.  It’s a cool thing that we each carry a spark of it in us, huh?

      Please do come again.

  8. DashDNations says:

    “…fixing what you’ve broken isn’t going to be easy, and words won’t get you there.” I love that part. It’s a great analogy for everyday life, relationships between friends and family, errors made at work or at home. 

    Knowing it’s not going to be the same as it was but finding beauty in the imperfections is how life goes. 

    1. DashDNations, thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts.  I do appreciate it.

      Please do come again.

  9. KyleStearns says:

    I’ve heard this story before but I love the way you told it. I hadn’t heard it with as much detail in the past. 

    I also enjoyed the poem that you included at the bottom. Did you write that? It was really good. 

    Overall just a really positive message. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Kyle.  Yes, the poem is mine.  (I like it a lot.)

      Please do come again.

  10. Amazing! This is the second post I have read and at parts, particularly the poems.. I am blown away! The message hits like a ton of bricks but it is definitely worth the read. This has been my favourite so far and you’re right it’s not meant to be easy! 

    1. Welcome back, Jess.  Thanks for the encouraging words.

      Please do come again….

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