GO MAKE SOMETHING: The Maker Movement
At a party recently, a bunch of old guys – artists, tinkerers and generally handy dudes of a certain age – were reminiscing about high school shop class.
They found it amazing that forty and fifty years ago it was not considered unusual for a bunch of silly-assed, overly amped kids to be dealing with hands-on fooling around using massive, old, industrial-strength power tools. In fact, they agreed, shop class was the go-to class for all the worker-dude guys who were not academically inclined.
All those assorted spinning wheels, sharp cutting edges, power cords, burning and smoking things, flying sparks, mounds of debris and such were a natural part of the shop class landscape.
Every one of the guys remembered that their shop teacher was missing at least a couple of fingers. Every one of them remembered the safety lectures.
Mostly, though, they remembered how shop class got them fascinated with the joy of Making Something. Collectively they mourned the passing of this rite of passage.
IT’S A-L-I-V-E!!!
Those old dudes were sounding “Taps” too early, it seems. The joy of Making has taken the world by storm again. It’s even got its own Movement now. Do-It-Yourself lives!
This “Maker Movement” is a convergence of traditional artisans, computer hackers, independent inventors, designers, tinkerers and other (often manic) crafty sorts who toil away in their cluttered workrooms and closet-offices making cool stuff that sometimes solve everyday problems, big and small, and sometimes is just for fun.
The first stirrings of the Movement in 2005 was spurred on by the vision and enthusiasm of the editors of Make: magazine, a publication that was born out of founder Dale Dougherty’s conviction that Making is a very good thing to do.
Before the magazine was a year old, it had become a nexus and a gathering place for a tech-influenced, grassroots, DIY community that spread and sprawled out like a kudzu vine. The magazine dubbed them “Makers.”
“I think the magic of [the magazine] was simply that we connected a lot of different groups that were making things but saw themselves as doing something separate,” Dougherty has said.
According to him, the artisans and artists saw themselves as different than the people who do robotics or electronics. There was a sense of disconnection among all of these creative folks. A knitter, a musician and a guy who builds a drone might not be able to feel like they belong to the same tribe, for example.
“To some degree calling them all makers kind of allowed for a flourishing of some different people coming together and seeing commonalities,” he said.
The Makers also spurred the magazine editors on to put together the first Maker Faire, a festival celebrating the innovation and self-reliance of the folks who do-it-yourself.
The first Maker Faire happened in San Mateo, about 20 miles from San Francisco. It was billed as the “Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth.”
The idea was to get all kinds of people of all ages and backgrounds to come together and show what they were making and share what they were learning with other people. It was also all about experimenting, playing, and having fun connecting with other people.
The first Faire was a grand success, stirring the imaginations of jaded consumers numbed by the overabundance of generic, mass-produced goods. It spawned what has since became a worldwide network of fancy flagship Faires in major cities that involve thousands of people as well as more down-home, independently produced mini-faires.
At these events, curious participants of all ages can experience the inventions of the Makers firsthand. The spectators are invited to join in the parade and fun is had by all.
This 2012 YouTube video, “Inspiring a Maker Movement” was published by CNN and features Dale Dougherty talking about the very fundamental human need to make stuff. You’ll also get a taste of what it’s like to be at a Maker Faire.
As Dougherty points out, it isn’t all high-tech, although 3D printers, digital manufacturing, drones and robots are all glittery highlights at the big international Faires. New forms of arts, entertainment, crafts, food experiments, and every other kind of human creativity is fodder for exploration.
- You can learn to build your own smartphone or make your own toys.
- You might be able to print out a pair of shoes.
- Maybe you’ll make your own jewelry or a handbag for mom or learn how to cook up something new.
- You might learn how to crochet.
- You might even learn how to home-automate your house with just a few simple measures.
- You could learn how to pickle, can, and preserve fruits and vegetables and check out the latest advances in bee-keeping, composting and growing your own food.
- You might learn how to write better instructions.
Checking out all that’s new in the world of making things could lead you to the start of a new interest, hobby or vocation.
At the Faires, open-source learning, contemporary design and powerful personal technology rule. The strategy is to provide interested people with the right tools and the inspiration and opportunity to use them. Creativity and a lot of imagination-sparking ensues.
to check out the Faire schedules and locations. It truly is mind-boggling!
Makers make stuff. They want to know how they can do this thing or that. They want to know how other people have solved a problem they are facing.
Magazines (like Make: magazine) as well as books, podcasts and YouTube videos for do-it-yourselfers have grown exponentially as more and more people become interested in being a Maker of one sort or another.
Hobbyists, enthusiasts, and those who’ve gained a certain mastery in some form of Making might be encouraged to give demonstrations, classes or workshops that attract others who want to explore new ways of Making too.
Then there are the MakerSpaces that welcome a diverse group of builders, hackers, and hobbyists who share resources and knowledge. Hundreds have cropped up in the past decade or so in the United States.
Some are housed in existing community centers such as libraries, museums or youth centers. Others are sponsored by companies and organizations at conference centers. All of them focus on the love of Making.
This YouTube video put together by TheMakerSpace earlier this year explains further:
MakerSpaces have taken off in all kinds of directions. There are community-based spaces, spaces for kids, and spaces for explorers of all kinds.
Here’s another YouTube video, by Intel (yes, those guys) showing off their “Ultimate MakerSpace,” at the company’s Intel Developer Forum in 2014.
Both the dedicated and dabbler Makers have fueled the growth of companies that produce the materials and tools that people use to make (or fix) stuff. Sales of arts and crafts supplies and parts for all kinds of machines and electronic equipment are booming as well.
People who get involved in Making often find something that they feel is worth exploring further, that gives them great pleasure. Some of them turn their new-found passion into a life-long hobby. Others become entrepreneurial and turn their creations into a business of their own.
Besides distributing their creations to traditional brick-and-mortar stores or participating in venues like street fairs and festivals, many Makers sell their creations online to people all over the world by making their own websites or by using Craigslist, eBay, or Etsy to sell their own cool stuff.
The connections just keep multiplying.
More than one observer of economic and business trends have commented on the Maker Movement. It has gotten wide and deep.
The general consensus seems to be that it is a very good thing to encourage folks to ponder on problems and figure out how to make their own solutions rather than just going out and buying another doo-dad put together by someone else.
After all, it is the people who make things who have the potential to change the world.
Matthew Crawford, a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and the author of SHOP CLASS AS SOULCRAFT: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work, has this thought: “I think [the Maker Movement] is tapping into a really basic fact about us as human beings. From infancy we learn about the world by manipulating it, by sort of poking it and seeing how it pokes back.”
My own feeling is that each of us carries a little spark of the Creative within us. It’s a good thing, I think, to go play with that.
Here’s a poem:
What do I want?
Peace and freedom,
Friendship and love…
What all humanity says it wants.
Or maybe it is encoded
In the cells of this body
That carries the primal spark
Which comes from the eternal flame
That burns at the heart
Of our ancestral home.
Work and play bring us together,
More than the sum of our parts,
The synergy fueled by the love
In the hearts of each of us.
I am small,
No more substantial
Than a wispy-haired seed,
But the stones are my brothers,
The stars, our cousins,
And the winds carry whispers
And echoes of the life that
Is, has-been and will-be,
And the waters of river and sea
Comfort and cradle and carry us all,
In circles and cycles and serpentine spirals,
Backwards and forwards,
To our beginnings
And our ends….
by Netta Kanoho
Header photo: Hexapod robot (Maker Faire Somerville) by Chris Devers via Flickr [CC BY-NC-ND 2.0]
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40 thoughts on “GO MAKE SOMETHING: The Maker Movement”
Awesome and informative blog. Where I went to high school, Shop class was a requirement for the guys and Home Economics was a required class for girls.
We are all makers in one sense or another and it’s very popular now for DIYers, raising chickens etc etc.
Love the idea about the faires and there’s one coming near me later this month that I just think I may check out.
You go, Karen!
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An informative article on making stuffs with our own capabilities. Many folks these days are into this category of Do it Yourself as a hobby, and some are also making a good profit out of it too. These all can be found on tutorials in website like youtube, so it makes sense this interest has it’s rise of consumers wanting something unique in the market. Is a good motivation step as being a passion and making stuffs that works for daily usage.
Hey andyz:
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Thanks for sharing our video!
Hey Steve:
You are welcome. You guys are doing great work! Thanks for the visit and your comment.
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I love your website. Your articles pursue ton of information for the outside world and trust me personally I have leaned a lot of new things including about technology, markets, productions in your websites. I have gained a lot of knowledge from your articles.
Thank you so much for sharing this article with us.
Welcome back, Sujander. I do appreciate your taking the time to comment on the post.
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Oh yes, you make me miss shop class. It wasn’t just for boys! I loved that class. (And if I recall, our teacher WAS missing a finger or two. I think that’s a requirement to be a shop teacher.)
The Maker’s Faire seems to be really neat. I’d love to go to one! I used to work with someone who made things for the Faire. It’s so interesting what people can come up with and it really makes you wonder how far we can go…
Your poem is seriously beautiful! Thank you for that. 🙂
Thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts, Christina. Shop certainly was grand fun for us girls! (Some of the guys tried Home Ec, but I think it was mostly the call of food and the chance to meet more girls…but, that’s another story.
I’m glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for your kind words. I hope you get to one of the Maker Faires as well.
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I guess this topic speaks about bringing a group of people together undermining what their craft work or ability is to come together and try to make use of the same environment in doing their various work with the idea of learning from one another playing and having fun and enjoy the experience and inventions.
Thanks for your visit and for sharing our thoughts, Seun. I do appreciate it.
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Hi Netta! I’ve found your post quite fascinating actually. I may be too young, early twenties, but I’ve never heard of shop class. In my opinion, that class might have real helpful when it comes to fix stuff. And you made this article more enjoyable with you writing. Have you ever tried to make something on your own?
Thanks for your visit, Renato. Shop class is a thing of the past, unfortunately. Probably it’s ’cause of all the possibilities for disasters when kids meet machines. Head games are fun, but playing with stuff using your hands is funner, I say.
I’m an artist who plays with paper and, lately, with assemblage (just because it’s cool to do mash-ups — even when they don’t work so well). I also construct poems and this blog thing too. Thanks for asking!
I do highly recommend fooling around and playing with the world. It is never boring when you do that.
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I would really love to make something outstanding. Recently, I had an idea to create a handheld device that could help save time when women make their hair. I don’t really know how the device would look like, but I know it would be very useful. Knowing there is an art fair, is really interesting. I’ll have to do some research to find out if there is any one of such fairs coming up around my area soon. Maybe I could get some inspiration to create something that will be useful to the world. And thanks for those youtube videos. They got me really fired up
Thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts, phranell86. That’s cool that the post helped to spark your idea!
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With the development in the world, it is only a matter of time and adjustment for us to move in line with what is and what needs to be.
I totally agree with you that the DIYers are now the real new cool since they make life out of creating things. Making is also good and it was actually included in the curriculum of my school when I was still in school.
Thanks so much for bringing it to the notice of everyone else. Thumbs up
Thanks for the visit, Rodarrick, and for sharing your thoughts.
I confess that I do hope that there will be a resurgence of programs promoting Making in schools. But, even if that doesn’t come about, it is a grand thing that ordinary and not-so-ordinary folks have taken to making stuff together and building spaces where they can meet and mix and innovate.
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I remember the shop class. My first project was making a knife for opening envelopes. Of course, all of the guys wanted to sharpen their knife to actually cut, but the shop teacher kind of put a stop to that real quick.
It was this class that raised my interest in being a heli-logger, where I got to use tools that were probably based on shop class projects.
Your post was not only a joy to read, but it also brought back many memories of the DIY days before they became a real thing.
Eric, thank you for the visit and for sharing your story. I am pleased the post brought back good memories for you.
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There is so much to learn from your article here and I am so happy to see what you have put together here.
Seeing the importance of coming together to do things is very good. I agree that when people are many on a thing, it gives the ability to learn while working.
This is a very good post worth sharing. Thank you.
Henderson, thank you for your visit and for sharing your interesting take on the post. I do agree that collaboration and cooperation between many people provide all kinds of possibilities for learning.
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I never heard of the Maker Movement but I think it is really cool. I would love to go to one of the Maker Faires and see all the things that people have made.
I personally don’t have anything that I’m good at making, but I love going to art shows and see other people’s talents. I think I would love to do a class and learn how to make jewelry.
Actually I used to do a lot of plastic canvas and gave them away as gifts. I loved it. I should get back into it again. Thank you for the inspiration.
Wendy, thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts. I love that you remembered that you, too, have been a Maker and can be one again!
You go, girl!
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This is really amazing I must say and I find it very informative. It’s true that we all make one thing or the other in our own personal and distinctive way and we all have the potential to make something.
I really like the Maker movement. Such movement brings together people of various ideas but like determination which is to make thing that will be of great help in solving everyday problems.
I’m also a part of the do it yourself category but most of what I craft, I do it for fun. Thanks for sharing this informative article.
DreaJay, thanks for your visit and for sharing your thoughts. It’s great that you Make things “for fun.” That’s the best motive of all, I am thinking.
I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Please do come again.
This is an very interesting movement. Will you be organizing a Maker Faire in Singapore? It will be great if that is possible.
We are currently living in a world we are focusing in consuming rather than making. You have provided a whole new perspective in this area and I agree we should change.
I support your movement totally and wish you could reach out to more people in the world.
Thanks. Marc Ho.
Marc, thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts.
I must admit that I am flattered to be considered one who puts together Maker Faires. (I do poems and put together articles and posts and get into Making all kinds of tomfoolery, but nothing so grand.) .
The post does have a resource that you can go to and check on where the Faires are happening.
Please do come again….
Shop class sounds like so much fun and I am really happy that you have given this great info on it. I think I will be doing some information on it. Your poem is really great with some very nice literary devices to match. I agree with your position on cooperation in work. It really helps a lot. Nice post.
Thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts, John. I do appreciate it.
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Making and creating things are really worth the while now. Sharing out to everyone and having everyone else to make something is the best way to keep improving our world.
I really like this and if I have my way, I will make everyone else I know of to get involved in the DIY in order to get more things done on our own and through this, we will improve our creativity.
This is really great to see. Thanks.
Bella, thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts. I do agree that Making things is worthwhile.
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As a computer science student, this article really inspired me. I would like to innovate something that will change the lives of many in the world.
I think it’s great to do something with your hands and I had no idea about shop class. This is the very first time to hear about such.
Thanks, this article really widened my mind and I would like to read more about such.
Mugalu, thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts. I’m glad you found the post engaging.
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Awesome read! The woodworking part at the beginning brought me back to high school! I remember even the smell of the shop!
I think schools today have gotten away from these types of classes which I find really sad. I think those are the types of classes that really get students thinking “outside the box”
Thanks for the article!
Abby, thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts. I agree with you.
It is a sad thing that practical-life classes like shop and home economics, as well as art, theater, and even physical education have been discarded in favor of more and more STEM classes. Yes, those things are important, but we are not feeding our children’s right brains. How will they learn to play and think deeper without them? (Sigh!)
Sorry. Gotta rant sometimes.
I am really glad that there are counter-movements that encourage creativity and other bits of humanness put together by folks who understand how important these things also are.
I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Please do come again.
I was very interested in your article. Although making things was never something I was particularly good at, I can still appreciate the need and idea to make your own product and sell it and get full profit.
I have a website that focuses on small business owners and the jewelry they hand-craft.
Learning to develop a trait is extremely beneficial, I think. Everyone has traits that can be developed.
Melanie, thank you for your visit and for sharing your thoughts. I do appreciate it.
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I was always in awe of my father’s generation and their ability to make things seemingly at will. It could be as complicated as a new bathroom or as simple as a folding stool.
What’s more were the number of disciplines often required to make their projects come to fruition. It wasn’t unusual for the projects to include architecture, design, masonry, electrical, plumbing, woodworking, plastics, welding, painting, and the list goes on.
More often than not they “made” things with nothing than a brief conversation or plans drawn on the back of a napkin. Those men were makers.
That’s very true, William. I do agree that working (and learning) with your hands on things that were useful in everyday life was just part of being an adult back then. It was just as true of the women of that same generation. Having so many hand skills was taken as a given by that generation, it seems to me.
Maybe focusing on learning how to play mind-games and building better mind-constructs and working with electronic devices might have been a bit of a side road that we took a bit too far.
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