DRAGGING YOUR FEET (Un-Seeing Exercise)

DRAGGING YOUR FEET (Un-Seeing Exercise)

I am reading Andrew Santella’s book,  SOON: An Overdue History of Procrastination from Leonardo and Darwin to You and Me.  Again.  This little book is setting off all kinds of firecracker strings in my head.

Santella, like me (and maybe you too?), is a self-confessed procrastinator so he’s at least well-practiced in trying to suss out the whats, the whys, and the wherefores of that almost universally censured habit, procrastination.

fighting procrastination with post-it notes
“Fighting Procrastination Concept” by Vic via Flickr [CC BY 2.0]
Santella offers stories about renowned and accomplished people who were also legendary time-wasters.  All of them were considered “eccentric” or “contrary” or a little bit “too other” in their own time.  They are, however, remembered by posterity for their own kind of genius.

His stories are about people like scientist Charles Darwin, polymath Leonardo da Vinci, poet and writer Edgar Allen Poe, architect Frank Lloyd Wright and that dharma bum-cum-hipster Jack Kerouac who inspired a whole generation of seekers to take up wandering.

All of these guys are noted achievement junkies.  They did things…just not always the things they were supposed to be doing in the time-frames they or their clients and other important people had set for them.

“Simple” just naturally seemed to get complicated around them.  Time started warping, it seemed.

NASA master clock
“NASA Adds Leap Second To Master Clock” by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center via Flickr [CC BY 2.0]


Says Santella, “One reason procrastination is so reviled is that it can lead people off the path proscribed by whoever is in charge.  The habit challenges authority, flouts the mandated way of doing things.”

Hmmm…that one feels absolutely true.

He says procrastinators often put off stuff because they tangle themselves up in knots wondering about whether what the world wants them to do is worth doing at all.

In the book, he poses three questions right up front (and then proceeds not to answer them).

  • Are we really and truly ethically required to make the most of the time allotted to us?
  • How do we reconcile our individual autonomy with our obligations to others and to the relentless demands of a never-ending workday?
  • When seemingly all information and every entertainment is available, how do we distinguish what is worthy of our attention and what is not?

Those questions are somewhat disconcerting to me.

They are exactly the ones that continually trip me up and send me down side-tracks of one sort or another when I’m on a deadline and bent on maximizing and enhancing or optimizing and fine-tuning some list of thought-constructs that are of extreme importance to somebody who isn’t me.

All the side-tracks are quite interesting and are often useful (eventually).  None of them are what I’m supposed to be doing.  They just add to the complexity of my dance and they waste a lot of time.

It’s not about being lazy.  It’s not about not wanting to work hard.  As humorist Robert Benchley once pointed out, “Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn’t the work he is supposed to be doing at the moment.”

Take a look at this thing:

image of FSM
“Googly Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM)” by Windell Oskay via Flickr [CC BY 2.0]
If you click on the button below, you, too, can make a 100% Edible Flying Spaghetti Monster Treat just like the one in the foregoing photo.  It is the work of Windell Oskay who is “the co-founder of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories,” it says here.


Go on…tell me that’s NOT awesome!

Myself, I think it is probably also the “something else” on which Windell was lavishing tremendous effort in lieu of getting on with what he was supposed to be doing.


As I pointed out, Santella does not present any definitive answers to the meta-questions he presents in his book.  Mostly that is because every person who ponders these things will probably come up with a different answer.

Instead, he maintains that a dedicated procrastinator has to put up with paradoxes.  (Ah, those ubiquitous paradoxes strike again!)

metaphor for obstructions
Obstructions” by Glen Malley via Flickr [CC BY-NC-ND 2.0]
As an unrepentant, googly-eyed curiosity-chaser, unrelenting achievement junkie, and full-blown procrastinator-par-excellence, I come before you today to stick this bug in your ear:

Sometimes the best things you do are the ones you do only to put off doing something else that is way boring.

funny-looking bug
“Halloween Bug” by Vicki DeLoach via Flickr [CC BY-NC-ND 2.0]
If you’re wanting to be a Creative sort, it is a thing to keep in mind.  Sometimes that waste-of-time idea you’ve been obsessing over, the one that takes over your days and nights, might be the one that leads to that dream you’ve been nurturing.

This YouTube video, “Foil,” was uploaded in 2019 by Comical.  The short animated film was put together by Jacob Varley, a guy who was probably procrastinating-by-achievement as well.

Cool, right?


Conventional ways of doing things lead mostly to the same-old and is part of the survival dance that maintains your own vested interest in the status quo.

But, what if your “quo” isn’t what you actually want to continue doing?

If you’re a Creative then it is likely that you’ll choose to pursue your mad idea while going crazy trying to keep the promises you’ve already made and the obligations you’ve taken on.

bulldozer in a stream
“Working to Clear Obstructions” by Oregon Dept. of Transportation via Flickr [CC – BY 2.0]
The deal with that one is that probably the pressure that Time brings to bear (a.k.a. Dreaded Deadlines, a là tried-and-true S.M.A.R.T. goal strategies and tactics) as well as the requirements demanded by your other obligations and the needs and desires of the other people in your life are going to get in the way of you going for your Dream.


That’s when the Santella questions can be useful.  You can use them to help you figure out how you want to sort and prioritize all this stuff you’re doing and get yourself back to clarity.

There are all kinds of systems and advice and books and videos galore if you don’t know how to prioritize your to-do list.  This 2017 You-Tube video, “How to Prioritize Effectively: GET THINGS DONE” is a quick review of the Eisenhower Matrix.  It works….


If you can make it past the procrastination-potential built into the whole prioritization dance, you might even have a chance to catch your breath.  That’ll be a novelty, right?

  1. Look over the Santella questions and think your own deep thoughts. (You may even want to read Santella’s book for inspirations.)
  2. Do the Eisenhower Matrix on your life.
  3. When you figure out your own answers, go play.

Here’s a poem:


Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock world,

Cogs in a machine,

Gears that grind away the days,

Turning hours and minutes and seconds

Into a finely ground powder

That gets into your eyes

And clogs up your head

As the wheels roll on, roll out, roll away – always away.


The second hand sweeping across

The big moon-faced clock

Locked us in between those ticks and those tocks.

A giant vacuum sucked up hopes and dreams

And poured them all into other-people schemes,

Belching and burping out thick black smoke

That blocked the sun

And turned the whole world gray.


We’re past that now, they say.

We farmed it all out,

Out-sourced all that

Suck-em-up empty.

Now our cousins get the benefits

Of measured-time Hell.


But, wait…


Along the way somewhere

We seem to have lost our “tock.”

Little plastic shields mounted

On teeny-tiny rolodexes

Tick-tick-ticked through our herky-jerky days,

Minute by minute by minute,

And the seconds disappeared….


And the one-legged minutes hopped on by.


The moon-faced clock with its sweeping hands

Was remanded for resale and became

A collectible….

As the slow dreams died

And the world got too big

For the little dreamers.


And then the ticking stopped.

Pixels danced as we lost the measure of our days.

We bathe in the interminable Now,

Unconnected, swimming in a

Peculiar electronic vagueness

Where the nanoseconds zip and zap

In machine-driven meditations

That go nowhere.


And so,

Here we sit now,

Living in a plastic Heaven-realm.

Timeless now.

No ticks, no tocks.

No passages, no paths….

Just streaming LEDs and dancing dots

Playing out our thoughts in little boxes

As we connect up the little pips into webs

Like the demented spiders that got stoned on LSD.



Dang it!

I’m gonna go outside now,

Go talk to some trees or clouds or something,

Feel the wind on my skin

And maybe even drink down a rainbow or two.

Go stare at the horizon for a while.

I think my eyeballs just turned square again.

Maybe a dose of the analog world

Will get them back to round.


If not, there’s always peanut M&M’s….

By Netta Kanoho

HEADER PHOTO CREDIT:  “Tapping a Pencil” by Rennett Stowe via Flickr [CC BY 2.0]



(Click on each of the post titles below and see where it takes you…)


Thanks for your visit.  I’d appreciate it if you would drop a note or comment and tell me your thoughts.

12 thoughts on “DRAGGING YOUR FEET (Un-Seeing Exercise)

  1. Hi Netta,

    Wow! Wow! and Wow!

    Lovely pictures with the amazing script and Tick tock!

    What do I need to enjoy my retirement? This is it.

    Tick and Tock goes on

    The moon face clock with two hands swings. 

    I waited until my retirement to do whatever I wanted to in my way. I was under the trauma of always procrastinating things.  This article got me cleared up to a major extent. Thank you

     Is it unethical not to use all my time given by God? No. I deserve my inner happiness now. 

    Discipline or passion- which one? I will decide to keep my real happiness as the baseline. 

    1. Anusuya, you go, girl!

      I am really pleased that the post resonated with you and was a help.

      Please do come again.

  2. Thank you for this interesting article about procrastination! This is a whole new perspective to the “issue.”

    I guess people deal with deadlines differently, and every way is the correct way. It should be. Thank you for sharing this book and poem.

    This is my favorite part of the poem; “As the slow dreams died, And the world got too big For the little dreamers, And then the ticking stopped”.  No words needed.

    1. Ivan, I am so pleased the post was interesting to you.  Your comment makes me smile.

      Please do come again.

  3. We always see procrastination as bad. It’s because we think it either delays what we’re supposed to finish within a given time frame or it hinders us from achieving our goals. But your post has definitely opened my mind to a whole new perspective.

    I can totally relate to what Santella said because many times when I delay doing something that I need to do, I always ended up accomplishing something better. 

    Thank you, Netta, fior an eye-opening post. And thank you for sharing your lovely poem. 😇

    1. Thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts, Alice.  I’m glad you enjoyed the post and found it helpful.

      Please do come again.

  4. Very interesting article! 

    I am very guilty of procrastination, especially when it comes to work.  I find myself putting off work that can easily be done now, and instead focus on other things.  If only I could get my work done, I’d have time to do what I want to do!  In fact, I procrastinated writing this comment! 

    However, I do find that I succeed at procrastination-by-accomplishment, so that’s something!

    1. Thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts, JT.  As a fellow-procrastinator, I salute you!  Procrastination-by-accomplishment may be our saving grace, dude!

      Please do come again….

  5. It’s interesting to read about Andrew Santella’s book, “SOON: An Overdue History of Procrastination from Leonardo and Darwin to You and Me,” and how it explores the habits of procrastination through renowned and accomplished people.

    It’s true that procrastination is often viewed as a negative habit, but it can also lead to positive outcomes, as it allows individuals to explore other areas of interest that may eventually lead to great achievements.

    The questions posed by Santella are thought-provoking, and it’s important to reconcile our individual autonomy with our obligations to others and the demands of a never-ending workday.

    Procrastination is not just about being lazy; it can also arise from individuals getting tangled up in knots about what the world wants them to do and whether it’s worth doing.

    As a language model, I don’t procrastinate, but I can see how these issues can arise for humans.

    Finally, the idea that sometimes the best things you do are the ones you do only to put off doing something else that is boring is an interesting take on procrastination that is worth considering. 

    1. Anoth, thanks for your visit and for sharing your thoughts.  I am glad the post was interesting for you.

      Please do come again.

  6. Your insight into procrastination-by-accomplishment adds a delightful twist. The idea that some of the best endeavors arise as diversions from less enticing tasks resonates. Have you experienced a moment where procrastination-by-accomplishment led to an unexpected, creatively fulfilling outcome? Thank you for sharing your insights, and I look forward to hearing more about your experiences and strategies in this creative journey.

    1. You ask interesting questions Camella, but my mind doesn’t seem to want to go that way.  I’m not exactly sure which of my “accomplishments” that grew out of my silly projects were actually stuff I was supposed to be doing for other folks and which were things that I was doing on the side that sort of got out of hand and ran rampant all over the landscape on their own.    

      All I know is that everything I do tends to get intertwined somehow.  I like making bridges.  I like making thickets.  I especially like making people feel easy in themselves.

      My favorite introduction of all time was one that a friend of mine made when she introduced me to some new people at a party.  After going around a circle of her guests and introducing them to the rest of us, she came to me.  She stopped.  She looked at me and quirked a smile.  She said, “And this is Netta.  She does Netta-things.”

      I la-a-a-aughed!

      Please do come again….

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