MysTerry Randolph is a long-time member of the Maui Live Poets.   Very often her simple poems reach out and grab your heart and old memories open up.  It’s what she does.

About this poem she says, “This just came out of my heart.   Wrote it for my brother in Idaho.”


You are the portrait of

My childhood remembered.

You are the happiness

In my smile.

I am the procrastination of

Each day.

I am the winner

Of the marathon.

You are the butter on

My baked potato.

I am the salt

In the wound.

You are the colorful

Hot-air balloon.

I am the wonder-filled

Child riding inside.


We want to be

An optimistic anthem.

We are a realistic song.

Sing with me, my brother.

© 2015, Teresa Randolph

Header picture credit:  “Hot Air Balloon” by Rick Willoughby via Flickr [CC BY-2.0]

[Guest poets add other voices to this thing and they do make the song we are singing more lively.  Click the button.  Come play.]

Thanks for your visit.  I’d appreciate it if you would share your thoughts in the comment section below.

6 thoughts on “MY BROTHER

  1. alenekeate says:

    That is a really cute poem. It is really sweet. I believe that it has a lot of potential. Just keep up the good work. I would like it to go into a little more depth. If it had a little more wording. It is really cute for a short poem though. Thanks.

    1. Hey aleanekeate:

      Thanks for your visit and for commenting on MysTerry’s poem.  I’ll be sure to pass it along to her….

      Please come again.

  2. What a sweet poem about the joy a brother can bring into someone’s life.

    It seems Randolph’s brother means quite a lot to her and they have a close relationship. Her words seem to paint him on a pedestal of optimism.

    There’s a sincerity to the words of this poem. I absolutely love the freestyle of the stanza and how simple it is, but even in it’s minimal words, it speaks a lot about her brother.

    Absolutely wonderful.

    1. Hey Kashia:

      Thank you for your visit and for your comment.  I’ll pass it along to MysTerry! 

      Please do come again.

  3. What a lovely poem! There’s 19 years between my brother and I but we are very close. I would really like to read more poems by this poet. I’m always open to and encourage anything that will open up old memories. Is this your friend? Does she have any published books? 

    1. Terry’s a closet poet, I think.  She hasn’t really published her work, but when we had the Live Poets group up and running (before the pandemic interlude) she would often stop in at one of our monthly meets at the Makawao public library and share a new sparkly bit or other.  This is an amazing thing because she is quite shy and her standing up in front of the group was such an act of courage for her. 

      I’ll let her know you enjoyed her work.  Thanks!

      Please do come again.

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