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Tag: taking action

SHAPER CHALLENGE (An Un-Seeing Exercise)

SHAPER CHALLENGE (An Un-Seeing Exercise)

John Milton (an English poet who wrote epic poems in the 17th century) once wrote: “The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n.” Milton did call it right.  All of us humans do have one super-power.  Every single one of us can shape our own reality and make up our own world.  It’s why we find everybody else’s stories so fascinating, I suppose. Because we each have our own…

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They told us wrong, you know. All those guys who kept exhorting us (for decades now) to “think outside the box,” urging us to forget about our limitations and be “free-free-free” didn’t give us the real story when they touted that ‘Unbound” mindset as the panacea for all of our gnarly problems. In fact, I think they were blowing sunshine up the nether parts of our anatomy (with the best of intentions, of course).