I’m re-reading an invaluable book, CREATING A LIFE WORTH LIVING, which was written by Carol Lloyd, the founder of The Writing Parlor and the Life Worth Living workshops.

Over the years since I first read it in 2011 it has kept me focused on integrating my propensities for Making into a regular, ordinary sort of life.  It is an ongoing process, always.

As she was putting together her book, Lloyd interviewed a slew of creative people and picked their brains about how they do what they do.

In an interview with performance artist Chris Wink who was part of a New York-based theater group which was a collaboration of three artists, there was this thing:

“If you’re going to create something, the first step isn’t to start creating something, it’s to create the process,” Wink says.  “…tending to the vessel and shaping it into what it’s going to be is really important.”

The “process” is a matter of making room in your life to create whatever it is you want to make.  It is about finding the space and the time and it’s about choosing how you’re going to move forward towards your goals.

Sunrise by Jessica S. via Flickr [CC BY-ND 2.0]

Another IPS (Inner Peace Symptom):  an understanding that by eliminating what doesn’t matter you can do more of what does.  [Following your own heartsong matters.  It’s a good thing to make room for it.]


For the past month or so I’ve been working on clearing out the workspaces in my little house, re-organizing and de-cluttering them so that I can see what’s there and see the resources I have on hand.  Even more importantly, I have been clearing my head and seeing where I am going with all this dancing about.

I have been looking at how well my Making has been integrated into the rest of my life and tweaking the places where there are glitches or downright knotted and tangled bits, trying to get to smooth.

I am seeing how I need to make blocks of time available so I can actually sit down and make a something without having to worry about needing to be someplace else.

I am also clearing away all the non-essential stuff that clutters up my calendar with distractions from this thing I’ve declared is most important to me:  making stories, making art, and making meaning.

I’ve deliberately turned away from perfectly good opportunities for me to practice skills I’ve developed that lead me away from what I am calling “Flying My Falcon.”

I am setting up routines and rituals that help keep my energy flowing so that I have the wherewithal to actually make something worthwhile.

I am touching base again with the attitudes, the heart-people and heart-places that are valuable to me because they help pump up the wellspring that powers my Falcon-flying.

It is always an ongoing thing, this tending to your process.  It’s easy sometimes to get so caught up in the day-to-day crises and fumbles and stumbles that the thing you want most to manifest sort of fades away into the ethers somehow.


The following YouTube Video, 8 Artists: Advice to the Young, was published by the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art’s Louisiana Channel.  The video montage has snippets from interviews with Serbian performance artist Marina Abramovich, South African artist William Kentridge, rock singer and poet Patti Smith, American singer David Byrne, German film director Wim Wenders, Danish-Islandic artist Olafur Eliassan and British artists Dinos and Jake Chapman.

It’s wise and warm and a very nice space to put your head.  And that’s another part of creating process…

If you want to listen to the full interviews for these and other artists who are equally inspiring, CLICK HERE.

Here’s a poem:


I am making myself,

Day by day by day.

The choices I make, the moves I do

Create the conditions around me

As I play in the World,

As I play with all the other peeps

Who are all busy

Making their own selves too.


There are those who say there is a Creator,

An enormous amorphous being who

Personally had a hand in the making of me,

Who continues to oversee my days

Who notices every time I fall down,

Who apparently is the archetypical Control Freak Extraordinaire

Since this non-gendered One apparently feels a need

To direct my every move.


I find that…scary.




When I try to be the one herding lemming-folk

Who are determined on self-destruction,

Or are just plain oblivious to dangers and sharp teeth,

There’s a certain point where I drown

In the details involved in taking each one in hand

And guiding every one of their steps,

Soothing away the hurt of every bump.


I notice that it never helps the lemming-folk grow,

This interference of mine.

Their sleepwalking apparently deepens.

They still fall off cliffs.

They run headlong into crocodiles and things.

They pick up hammers and whack themselves on their own foreheads.

They blindly blunder into each other and bonk each other in the jaw.

Meanwhile, I go nuts,

Stuck on a meaningless treadmill of

Amoeba-like action/reaction ad infinitum.

I would not wish that state of being on any creature…

Especially not the one who put together all the wondrousness of the Universe!


Myself, I think the Dude/Dudette or Whatever

Just placed a spark of Itself into everything alive,

And each sparklet likes to play.

So they do.

And that’s how the Universe got born,

And that’s how it keeps going.


Me, I think I’ll just keep trying to keep my sparklet going strong.

I figure it’s the best way I can help out….

by Netta Kanoho

Picture credit:  Intention 1 by Teddy Llovet via Flickr [CC-BY-NC 2.0]



(Click on each of the post titles below and see where it takes you…)


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18 thoughts on “MAKING ROOM

  1. Making room in my life for creativity is always a joy. To allow the process to manifest in a natural way. As you say, just by putting order at home and looking at the thing I’ve been collecting helps me to understand where I want to go with what Im doing, be more clear of the intention of my new projects.
    Thanks for sharing the video, it’s really inspiring material!

    1. Hey Gopika: Thank you for the visit and your comments. I love that video too. Please do come again….

  2. It was a very nice poem! Life is too short so we have to enjoy it to the fullest. We have many challenges in life but we can still manage it. Just believe in ourselves and keep positive for our goals.
    It was a very good insights!
    Keep up the good work!

    1. Hey Dairyn:

      Thanks for your visit and your comments. Please do come again….

  3. Wow! This entire article was incredibly enlightening. You’re right, there are many days I’m running around so fast I forget about what really matters to me! I’m trying to take care of everything the world says is most important rather than what is most important to me! Your poem was brilliant.

    1. Hey Ashley…it really is easy to drown in the everyday and forget about dancing to your heartsong. Thanks for the visit and your comments. Please do come again….

  4. On making room for creativity, I feel that I could create an entire website, but who would read it? Neither the creative nor the uncreative would be interested.

    I feel that the most useful kind of creativity is to overcome persistent problems. In that sense, inventors would be among the most creative.

    Creativity needs restraints which it must strive to overcome. Coloring outside the lines is both easy and uncreative, but finding new ways to color within the lines is truly difficult and creative.

    In short, breaking the rules is not creativity. either is rebellion- which is merely reactionary.

    1. Hey Peter:

      Thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts.  I do agree that creativity is not necessarily about breaking rules.  Myself, I think it’s about making just-right rules that work for you and then doing what you want to do as best as you can.  Maybe what you do will speak to other people.  Maybe not.  But, it will be yours and not somebody else’s.

      That seems to be how I see the whole thing.

      Please do come again.

  5. I’ve relied on creativity to pay the bills all my adult life – I’m a musician, and an audio engineer, so it’s always been sitting on my shoulders watching over me! 

    I’m not sure I agree with Chris Wink I’m afraid. I’ve never, ever had a process to create, and I doubt I ever will. The best work you do as any sort of artist, is the work that kinda falls out of the sky. 

    All of my residual income/royalties are from compositions that I didn’t put any real sort of planning behind, they just happened. What are your thoughts on this angle?

    1. Hey Chris:  

      I do think you are right, that when you’re in the zone and busy making something, it is way more amorphous than the word “planning” implies.  You’re pulling stuff in from the ethers around you and throwing them together, letting them jostle around and seeing what sticks together.  

      Often my own best works come out of that way of dancing…which, to my mind, is also another sort of process. 

      I think what Wink is talking about is making room for yourself to dance your own dance with the materials you use, facilitating that dance by clearing the space around you. (For you, your materials are sounds; for me, it’s words; for my painter friends, it’s paint colors or whatever; for my gardener friends, it’s plants…and so on.)  In order to dance with your materials, you do need room to move around. 

      Planning helps facilitate the dance but it does not necessarily have to dictate how you do it or where you end up with it.

      I do understand what you mean.  For me, the writing, storytelling and poetry are not the result of outlines and linear point-a-to-point-b-to-point-c tripping.  I am all over the place, spontaneously grabbing and manipulating bits and pieces, discarding what doesn’t work and finding the bits that do.  

      That, for me, is process.  It is also my dance.  It sure isn’t done to any kind of plan.

      “Process” is not the same as “plan,” I am thinking.

      Thanks for the question, Chris….

      Please do come again.


  6. Aabidah Ahmed says:

    That was a beautiful poem. The content above was just a warm-up I’m thinking to get readers interested, then bang! The poem that brings everything together. The beautiful structure I must say.

    Have you always been into poetry? I know you must have loads of experience.

    Thank you for the article, especially the poem.

    All the best,


    1. Thanks for the visit and for your kind words, Aabidah.  For me, poetry grows out of life and life is all one gigantic poem made up of lots of little poems.  I just pick up pieces of life and hold them up for better viewing.  

      I’m glad you enjoyed the post.

      Please do come again.

  7. Making Room for self expression is the lifeblood for a satisfied soul.

    Think, do, feel the satisfaction. This is a great article for reminding all of us that we are creators, we are creating our life. 

    I’ve worked for others and it is not as satisfying as being an Independent Individual. I’ve been an entrepreneur, consultant, advisor working projects. Getting paid by the job. Yes, that is stressful. Yes, I have failed. Yes, I’ve stood up again, ready to win, lose, stumble, fall, fail, make someone’s life or business better.

    My passion has been cooking. I’ve done so since my early 20s and my own style has emerged. I am now going through the creative process of putting my recipes online, constructing eBooks, which takes lots of writing, choosing the right words to not only express myself, but to reach others with my passion for cooking. Moving along my journey is so satisfying.

    I appreciate the musings in this article. They are good for everyone.

    Satisfaction is the new success.


    1. I love your conclusion, Mike:  “Satisfaction is the new success.”  Cool!

      Thanks for the visit and for sharing your story.  

      Please do come again….

  8. I swallowed every word of what you wrote as I read. We all long for more room both inside and around us. It is a struggle to deal with unnecessary things and to decide that you should throw them out of life.

    I did not know that there are such writing websites here in WA that inspire perfection with words that also motivate.

    Thank you for allowing us to enjoy every word

    1. Emaku, thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts.  I’m so glad the post resonates with you.

      You’re right, you know.  It is always a struggle dealing with the things that really don’t matter to us in our lives, and very often clearing them out to make room for the stuff that does matter is a massive pain and a heck of a lot of effort and hoo-hah.  

      I’m here to tell ya:  It really, really, really is worth it!

      Please do come again….

  9. Fran Powers says:

    I really enjoyed reading this post and it has given me a lot to think about. 

    I feel like there is always something in life that we want to do but never seem to get to. I also think that there are people who we care about who we should be spending more time with. 

    It’s difficult to change our lives and what we’re used to, but it can be done and will probably make for a better life long-term.

    1. Thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts, Fran.  I do appreciate it.

      Please do come again.

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